Today is going to be a little different. I'll be doing a tag. My first one and hopefully not the last. These are quite fun, and I really think they allow bloggers to know each other a little bit better.
I was tagged by the lovely Marie. Check her out!

Rules: Tell your readers 10 things about you that they may or may not know, but are true. Tag ten people with the award, and be sure to let them know they've been tagged (a quick comment on their blog will do). Don't forget to link back to the blogger who tagged you.
- I’m 100% Chinese, and I speak Cantonese fluently. My mom did not allow me to speak English at home when I was younger, and I am quite glad now that she did. Nowadays, I speak Canto because I want to. I can’t read or write, however because I was never forced to go to Chinese school when I was younger like most kids were. My mom believed it would be a waste of time if I didn’t want to go in the first place. I sort of regret not going, because reading or writing would have come in handy eventually. I can’t speak or understand Mandarin either, but I am hoping to learn soon (or make my boyfriend teach me some ^^).
- The biggest transformation I experienced was the transition from junior to senior year of high school. I learned to take care of myself and dress better. I started to change my entire wardrobe and really took in what I read and saw online and applied it. Somewhere along the way I also developed an obsession for shoes, bags, and makeup. It was probably the best thing that has happened to me, because I never felt better with the change that I made. One bad thing that has resulted from this change is probably my horrible shopping addiction. :(
- I have actually been web/graphic designing since I was 11. I use run different sites and forums with people. I’ve dealt with many scripts such as b2 (wordpress in its early stage), invisionboard, etc. I did a lot of graphic designing with Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop, Imageready, 3d studio max. I learned everything by myself and never took any formal classes. I just seem to have a knack for solving and figuring out coding and programs, and I still do. I use to own a domain called, which I closed down after my first year of high school. During high school, I stopped for awhile and I only did graphic designing on and off. However, learning web/graphic design has to be one of the greatest accomplishments of my life as it really helped me through school and many other aspects of life despite the fact I get bashed on by guys because many tend to underestimate my computer knowledge. I hope to do some freelance work soon for some extra money.
- I actually got accepted into Parsons New School for Design as a Design & Technology major. However, I applied as a Communication Design major, which I got rejected for. I guess they felt I would be better cut out for their 4-year Design & Technology program after seeing my portfolio. In the end, I chose UCSD over Parsons. It sounds like a pretty stupid decision, but I chose UCSD over Parsons for a number of reasons (which I am not going to get into). I’m not saying don’t regret it at all (that would be a lie), but I certainly don’t dislike going to UCSD even though their art program could never compare with the education I could have gotten at Parsons. I am planning to either apply for FIDM or Pasadena Art Center after I graduate from UCSD to further my art studies.
- I rarely ever tan, I only get sunburned. My skin is very prone to getting sunburned, and even the proper sunscreen sometimes doesn’t cut it. That is the reason why I do not exactly enjoy going to the beach during the summer because I’m always worried about my skin. Once it gets red I get paranoid that I might burn really badly. A few years ago, I sunburned my arms, my legs, and my entire face (even my eyelids!) because I spent an entire day under the blazing summer beach sun. Ever since then I’ve had a fear for going to the beach in the summer. Nonetheless, my skin tends to remain pretty fair regardless and I like it that way.
- My first ever game console was my pink Nintendo DS I got back in 2007. Yes, that’s right. My mom has always been very against me playing games. I never even owned a single computer game. When I was younger, my mom bought my cousin who was a boy a Game Boy, but when I asked for once, she refused and said that I was a girl so I don’t need to play games. I was quite irritated, because in high school when I would go to my friends’ house to play games, I would be so retarded that I didn’t even know how to operate the controls correctly on any game console. Therefore, I tend to never participate in playing games with my friends. After I got my DS, I got a lot better, but I would still have to say that playing games is not my thing.
- My best friend and I are opposites. She’s really tall (5’9) while I am only 5’4. My best friend loves to party, and I am more of a calm kind of person who just enjoys quietness. She acts before she thinks, and I think before I act. She is fickle, and I am not so much. The list can go on, but I’m going to spare myself from typing it all out. We may be opposites, but somehow, we totally click when we are together. We also don’t need to talk or see each other every day to maintain a good relationship.
- I do not like pickles. Despite the fact that most of the population loves pickles; I just don’t like the taste, the smell, or even the sight of them. I don’t know why and I do not think I will ever like pickles. Luckily, my boyfriend does not like pickles either so when we go eat at fast food places we always get “no pickles please”.
- I’m an only child, and I honestly have no problem with it. When I was younger I did wish I had siblings because everyone else did. However, I have come to love being an only child and the peace that comes with it. Yes, my parents are overprotective of me because I am their baby girl, but I’ve learned to deal with it. I manage to compromise to a point where I am satisfied and so are my parents.
- I’m quite OCPD. I’m a perfectionist and everything has to be neat and organized. I feel like I am always on a time crunch, and I stress out a lot. In high school, everyone called me a stress freak. Sometimes it's a hassle to deal with, but it’s who I am. I love my cleanliness and organization skills because it makes me feel at peace when things are just in order. (Gotta love my color coordinated closet ^^)
Hello there (: Thank you so much for following my blog! YOu have such a lovely layout :D Ooo great tag... I am pretty same as 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, and 10 :D It's awesome you are into graphic and web design too and are going to school for it... I am trying to do that here in Hawaii where we have a Digital Media Arts program but it is not very established yet :(
ReplyDeleteHaha when I was a kid my mom told me I'm a girl and I shouldnt be playing video games too! My dad bought me my first PS1. Only because he was tired of paying for my DDR games lol.
ReplyDeleteMe & my best friend are opposites too. Shes a bartender and she parties and clubs and drinks a lot and I like staying home. But once you get passed that, we're pretty much the same person. Kinda weird!
I HATE PICKLES! OMGGG. I hate onions too. Everything I eat has to have no pickles, onions or cilantro in it! Ewww.
Ahhh WordPress is so hard to understand! I spent about 11hrs the other day coding it and came up with nothing! Ah. This is gonna take longer than I expected LOL.
Hey! Thanks for following. I see you go to UCSD as well - how cool! Maybe I'll catch you on campus sometime? :D
ReplyDeleteHiiii (:
ReplyDeleteI don't like pickles either. I get annoyed when I eat a sandwich, and I would see that disturbing vegetable in my sandwich! I always throw it away, or give it to the boyfriend. Haha [: And I used to design too, but sadly... I got lazy, and fell away from that passion. I was getting tired of people, stopping me from being a teacher to continue my skills in design. Nevermind that =| And whoa, at the fact... that your first game system was only on 2007! THATS AMAZING! =]
hello, i realized that we share the same passion here :D graphic design and wishing to go to art center! ^_^ I love that school, very small but lovely.